Peace Week 2021: Inclusive society

From 18th to 26th September, we are celebrating the PAX Peace Week. How do we deal with differences in culture, usage, skin color, religion and more? With moral customs that are different from ours and our pursuit of equality, in the Netherlands, Europe and worldwide? It takes courage to speak up and stand up for someone who is different from you. To enter into conversation with people who think, live, work, believe, hope and apply differently. During the Peace Week we  invite you to talk to people you don’t otherwise meet, from outside your bubble with other backgrounds, experiences and people.

Sign up for a Peace Dialogue

Why choose dialogue?

Dialogue allows us to get to know the stories, experiences and perspectives of other people, to gain more insight into the whole and to build a new inclusive society in which everyone counts and is fairly treated. In order to build trust and to live inclusively with everyone, meeting one another is crucial. In a dialogue you can discover, based on personal experiences, what ‘peace’ looks like for you and others, what it consists of, what works, how you yourself can contribute and what else you need to do so. You meet, share personal experiences, listen to what others have been through, share your dreams and what you will do, no matter how different you are! For example, both during and since the corona crisis, we have been working on mutual understanding, building inclusive communities and a just society in the Netherlands, Europe and the World. Just as after the Second World War and apartheid, reconciliation came between people, groups and countries through meetings and conversations, by listening to each other’s experiences and stories and by articulating and building a different future together step by step.

Read more about what dialogues bring >>>

What is a peace dialogue?
Utrecht in Dialoog

In a peace dialogue you share personal stories with people you do not normally meet and you discover other often surprising perspectives. On the basis of personal experiences, you investigate what inclusive living means for you and others, what you want more of, what you can do yourself and with others. A peace dialogue offers views into more perspectives, points of view, leads to more insight and understanding and concrete personal action to bring peace closer. A peace dialogue can take place in person and/or online to enable more people to participate.

Since the corona crisis, we have been going into dialogue online so that everyone can participate at a safe distance. We use Zoom for the online conversations. You can sign up for a dialogue via the red button on the top of the page. You will then receive an email with a login link and password that will give you access to the Zoom meeting room where the dialogue takes place.

Read more about using Zoom here >>>

Get involved

Would you like to participate in Peace Week in a different way? Organize and host an (online) peace dialogue yourself, supervise dialogue groups, provide inspiration and/or help with communication and deepening the results. Contact a local dialogue partner or local PAX ambassadors  in the Netherlands. Would you like to take action during Peace Week, facilitate or organize a peace dialogue in another country? Contact your local PAX organisation.

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