Meet & Stroll: Green energy
Zoom UtrechtWe can still take a walk in the neighborhood! Time to get out and about, meet new neighbors and discover north-east Utrecht! In this light-hearted dialogue series Meet & Stroll, you will meet different people from the neighborhood and discover new…
Training to facilitate a dialogue
Zoom UtrechtTraining for people who want to facilitate a dialogue: learn how to encourage an engaging conversation about sensitive topics, practice in asking the right questions and listening carefully.
Online Dialogue House!
Grytte Maliebaan 45, UtrechtIn the Dialogue House, experienced dialogue facilitators, beginners, and enthusiasts practice facilitating online dialogues, difficult situations, and new themes. You can simply join to get to know us and participate. Or if you want to research and discuss a theme.…
Sharing is caring
De Kargadoor Oude Gracht 36, UtrechtDuring St. Maarten’s Day, we are talking about sharing. How can we set up our lives to thrive more as a sharing society? How can we help the world move forward by sharing? Join us to talk about these in…
Meet & Stroll: Worthwhile
Zoom UtrechtWe can still take a walk in the neighborhood! Time to get out and about, meet new neighbors and discover north-east Utrecht! In this light-hearted dialogue series Meet & Stroll, you will meet different people from the neighborhood and discover new…
Live Dialogue House!
Grytte Maliebaan 45, UtrechtIn the Dialogue House, experienced dialogue facilitators, beginners, and enthusiasts practice facilitating online dialogues, difficult situations, and new themes. You can simply join to get to know us and participate. Or if you want to research and discuss a theme.…
Dreaming of the future
Zoom UtrechtThe year 2021 is almost over. December is a common month for reflecting on the past year but also, dreaming about the future! During this dialogue, we share our hopes for the future and end 2021 on a positive note.…
Meet & Stroll: Light
Zoom UtrechtWe can still take a walk in the neighborhood! Time to get out and about, meet new neighbors and discover north-east Utrecht! In this light-hearted dialogue series Meet & Stroll, you will meet different people from the neighborhood and discover…
Meet&Stroll: Surprising changes
Zoom UtrechtThe theme of this Meet&Stroll session is surprising changes. Since the spring of 2020, we have been dealing with ever-changing measures. This requires people to adjust the different circumstance each time. Probably you did too. In this dialogue, you can…
Online Dialogue House
Online, Zoom UtrechtIn the Dialogue House, experienced dialogue facilitators, beginners, and enthusiasts practice facilitating dialogues (online or live), difficult situations, and new themes. You can simply join to get to know us and participate. Or if you want to research and discuss…
Make an impact in your city
De Kargadoor Oude Gracht 36, UtrechtMunicipal elections are coming up. Are you going to vote? Does voting have an impact? Do you really feel that your vote counts? What are your experiences with previous elections? Are there other ways in which you already have…
Dialogue House
Grytte Maliebaan 45, UtrechtIn the Dialogue House, experienced dialogue facilitators, beginners, and enthusiasts practice facilitating dialogues (online or live), difficult situations, and new themes. You can simply join to get to know us and participate. Or if you want to research and discuss…
Green in the city
De Kargadoor Oude Gracht 36, UtrechtHow do you experience the green life in the city? Do you contribute to making the city more green along with your municipality? What does the city offer us to be able to live green? How can the city be…
Dialogue House
Grytte Maliebaan 45, UtrechtIn the Dialogue House, experienced dialogue facilitators, beginners, and enthusiasts practice facilitating dialogues (online or live), difficult situations, and new themes. You can simply join to get to know us and participate. Or if you want to research and discuss…
Having enough
De Kargadoor Oude Gracht 36, UtrechtWhat do you have in abundance, or at least enough? What would you like more? Do you have enough money, friends, time? If not, what would be enough for you? Or is more always better? Could you also have more…
Dialogue House: Commemorate & don’t forget
Grytte Maliebaan 45, UtrechtThe Dialogue House takes place this month on a special date: Remembrance Day. Can you talk easily about death, or do you experience discomfort when you talk about death? How do you commemorate? How do you cope with grief and…
Ukraine: doing your part
De Kargadoor Oude Gracht 36, UtrechtThe news about the war in Ukraine can make you feel powerless. So much suffering and grief, what can you do about it? Yet there are things we can do, however small. In this dialogue we will discuss how you can…
Dialogue House
Grytte Maliebaan 45, Utrecht'Meaningful conversation'. What do you mean by that? What makes a conversation meaningful? When was the last time you experienced this and how was it for you? Where do we see opportunities for more 'meaningful conversation' in Utrecht? We will…
Dialogue House
Grytte Maliebaan 45, UtrechtThe Dialogue House is the place where experienced dialogue facilitators, beginners, and enthusiasts practice facilitating dialogues, difficult situations, and new themes. You can simply join to get to know us and participate. Or if you want to research and discuss…
Dialogue House: if flags could talk
Grytte Maliebaan 45, UtrechtThe Dialogue House is the place where experienced dialogue facilitators, beginners, and enthusiasts practice facilitating dialogues, difficult situations, and new themes. You can simply join to get to know us and participate. Or if you want to research and discuss…
Enjoying more with less?
De Kargadoor Oude Gracht 36, UtrechtYou often hear criticism of the Dutch ‘consumption society’ and ‘performance society’. Do you feel the pressure to ‘consume less’? Buying less new stuff, driving less by car, living in a smaller house because it is more sustainable? What would…
Pretty angry
De Kargadoor Oude Gracht 36, UtrechtWhen is the last time you got pretty angry? What makes you angry? And what does that say about what is important to you? What do you think should finally change? What are you going to do with that anger?…
Dialogue House: making real connections
Grytte Maliebaan 45, UtrechtIn this special dialogue house, we come together as dialogue facilitators. We explore together how we can make a real connection with others. What is connection? When do you feel connected? And who do you want to connect with? How…
Long live the laziness?
De Kargadoor Oude Gracht 36, UtrechtLaziness: what is it and why is it such a taboo? When were you really lazy, and how was that for you? Why do we often feel guilty when we are lazy, and what can we learn from lazy people?…