Annual theme: Worthwhile

In 2021, the overarching theme is Worthwhile. We investigate how we can give form, content and meaning to what is really worthwhile for ourselves, others, the community, city, neighbourhood, and society. In this way, we strengthen, connect and enrich old and young people with different backgrounds, talents, education, work, capital, network, desires, opportunities, meaning and more. We work to create a positive impact and a hopeful future based on dreams, ideals, personal actions, positive energy and new insights. In dialogue, we connect and contribute to our personal growth, talent, and needs, with what is meaningful to the community, society and the general public.

Learn more about what is a dialogue >>>

Share your inspiration with others

What is really worthwhile for you nowadays? What do you want to commit to? What effort does this require? Do you have a song, video, haiku, tale, poem, or something you made yourself that is worth sharing? Please send it to, and we share on this page.

Would you like to write a column yourself, make video and/or record a text with visual material? Your contribution is appreciated! Also, you can look at the experiences of others and videos on youtube.


Inspire yourself with what is worthwhile for others and share your own story in the upcoming dialogues.


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