Dialogue Week: Belonging

Discover what listening to each other brings in the Dialogue Week 2020! We will talk about Belonging between October 30 and November 8. Due to corona, all dialogues will be online via Zoom.

Open your heart, be curious and be amazed in an equally distributed conversation with people you can not meet naturally! Get inspired by the experiences of others!

Program of the Dialogue Week

Belonging in Corona times

Where do you feel belonging in these corona times? Where do you feel more and less at home? Can you be open to people who live, think and feel differently than you? Hear stories of others and share your own experiences of belonging in your neighborhood, at work, school or in the park! Get inspired by the experiences of others!

What gives you comfort nowadays? Do you have music, a dance, video, song, or poem that helps you feel better in corona times? Send your corona blues, your corona dance, video, song, music, poetry or stories to info@utrechtindialoog.nl to inspire, relieve and make others happy!

After participating in a dialogue, you can record a home video or text message and send it to us with your story about Belonging in corona times. Would you like to participate in this video compilation? Send an email to info@utrechtindialoog.nl and you will receive more information!

Belonging to dialogue?

Do you want to be part of dialogue? Bringing people into conversation with each other who can not naturally find each other? Helping others to belong by preventing exclusion, polarization or loneliness? Are you curious about different voices? Do you want to become active in your neighborhood with a dialogue group or focus on an issue? Discover what brings listening to each other! Help make a different way of living together possible!

Come to the online Dialogue House on Wednesday, November 4 >>>

In Dialogue Week 2020, a particular dialogue house is organized with/for/by active members, interns, volunteers, partners, ambassadors and all other parties involved in dialogue.
Would you like to know more about how you can belong? Know more about people with a passion for dialogue and learn more about becoming an active member.


What is the Dialogue Week? >>>
Experiences of participants (In Dutch) >>>
Passion for dialogue >>>
Theme Belonging >>>
The power of dialogue >>>

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